Now is a Great Time to Re-Seed Bare and Thin Spots in Your Lawn
Apr 19th 2013
Now that spring is in full swing in Gainesville, it’s a great time to fill in those bare patches of your lawn! Adding new grass seed is inexpensive and makes your lawn look great.
- Remove debris such as sticks, leaves, and dead grass from the bare spot
- Gently break up the soil in the bare spot with a small trowel or hoe
- Level the spot so that there’s no low areas where water can collect and pool
- Spread a small layer of quality top soil over the bare or thin area
- Evenly spread grass seed over the new soil
- If you used a lawn seed without a built in fertilizer, apply fertilizer to the new seeds
- Keep the area moist until the grass matures
If you’re repairing grass that is in a high traffic area, consider re-routing the traffic around that spot with stepping stones so that the new grass thrives and continues to look great.
If your entire yard needs help or you have a large area, consider replacing with sod. Evergreen Lawn Care of Gainesville can quickly and affordably deliver and install sod, or help plant grass seed in bare spots. Call us today!